Introduction to Classes and Objects:
classes are the most important feature of C++ that leads to Object Oriented
programming. Class is a user defined data type, which holds its own data
members and member functions, which can be accessed and used by creating
instance of that class.
The variables
inside class definition are called as data members and the functions are called
member functions.
For example: Class of birds, all birds can fly and they all have
wings and beaks. So here flying is a behavior and wings and beaks are part of
their characteristics. And there are many different birds in this class with
different names but they all possess this behavior and characteristics.
class is just a blue print, which declares and defines characteristics and
behavior, namely data members and member functions respectively. And all
objects of this class will share these characteristics and behavior.
More about Classes:
Class name must start with
an uppercase letter (Although this is not mandatory). If class name is made of
more than one word, then first letter of each word must be in uppercase. Example,
class Mehul, class SemicolonProgramming etc.
Classes contain, data
members and member functions, and the access of these data members and variable
depends on the access specifiers (discussed in next section).
Class's member functions
can be defined inside the class definition or outside the class definition.
Class in C++ are similar
to structures in C, the only difference being, class defaults to private access
control, whereas structure defaults to public.
All the features of OOPS,
revolve around classes in C++. Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction etc.
Objects of class holds
separate copies of data members. We can create as many objects of a class as we
Classes do possess more
characteristics, like we can create abstract classes, immutable classes, all
this we will study later.
is mere a blueprint or a template. No storage is assigned when we define a
class. Objects are instances of class, which holds the data variables declared
in class and the member functions work on these class objects.
object has different data variables. Objects are initialized using special
class functions called Constructors.
We will study about constructors later.
whenever the object is out of its scope, another special class member function
called Destructor is
called, to release the memory reserved by the object. C++ doesn't have
Automatic Garbage Collector like in JAVA, in C++ Destructor performs this task.
class Abc
int x;
void display(){}
//empty function
in main()
Abc obj; // Object of class Abc created
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